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The 2024 Upper Peninsula Teaching and Learning Conference (UPTLC) will be hosted by Bay College in Escanaba, Michigan, May 13-14, 2024. This year’s theme is Embracing Change: Meeting the Needs of Modern Learners. This theme captures the ongoing challenges wrought by the pandemic, the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and increased awareness of the diverse academic and mental health needs of today’s learners. This conference will create a community of educators invested in honing human and technological skills for successful, sustainable teaching and learning. 

The conference includes pre-conference interactive workshops, optional social activities, and a full conference day of concurrent sessions, poster sessions, and “Birds of a Feather” gathering time. We’re excited to share four timely conference tracks:

  • Teaching techniques for online, hybrid, or virtual learning 

  • Teaching and learning in the age of AI 

  • Engaging modern learners 

  • Self-care for college students and/or college employees

The UPTLC is a regional conference focused on the practice and scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education and K-12 education. The UPTLC creates a space for educators to connect, learn, share, and continue growing skills for teaching and learning. We invite educators and educational staff/administration to submit presentation proposals and/ or attend this conference.

5/7 - Registration is now closed; we can’t wait to see you at UPTLC 2024!

**schedule subject to change**
Tuesday, May 14 • 10:30am - 11:15am
Determining Needs for a Practical Self-Care Plan

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The presentation will address common pitfalls of self-care and provide a functional framework for assessing and prioritizing individual needs. I provide information about the medical model of self-care (Edemekong et. al., 2023) and contextualize this information by discussing self-reflection practices to determine how the model applies to the individual.

An aspect of the reflective portion of the presentation includes challenging ideas around the focus on performance versus self-allowance to request/set up accommodations (Padkapayeva et al., 2017). I also address institutional barriers before discussing the resources available in our educational and professional environments.

I will provide practical examples for modifying schedules, routines, and environments to improve satisfaction in self-care. To provide a hands-on experience for the audience, I intend to supply a worksheet that will give a concrete method for application. This information can be used for oneself or as a model for students who would benefit from greater independence in self-care.

The research areas that inform the presentation include speech-language pathology, rehabilitation, psychology, and disability studies. I also draw from my experience as a speech therapist, educator, and disability service provider.

Edemekong, P. F., Bomgaars, D. L., Sukumaran, S., & Schoo, C. (2023, June 26). Activities of Daily Living. StatPearls [Internet]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470404/

Padkapayeva K, Posen A, Yazdani A, Buettgen A, Mahood Q, Tompa E. Workplace accommodations for persons with physical disabilities: evidence synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature. Disabil Rehabil. 2017 Oct;39(21):2134-2147. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2016.1224276. Epub 2016 Dec 10. PMID: 27936968.

Tuesday May 14, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
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